Welcome to Church of the Holy Spirit!

We are a lively church community that seeks to see and serve God through worship, music, service, and hospitality. We understand that each of us are pilgrims on a journey to encounter God in new and meaningful ways.  Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or somewhere on the middle — and even if you are returning to your journey — Church of the Holy Spirit offers you a loving, supportive, and welcoming church community with which to worship, learn, grow, and change.

Our church community is diverse and active in many ministries that serve the community, nurture new generations in faith, and offer hospitality. We creatively explore our spiritual lives through creative worship, joyful music, learning, and authentic conversation. Church of the Holy Spirit is located on nearly 30 acres that includes fields, forest, a bird sanctuary, a butterfly garden, and an outdoor labyrinth; we use our beautiful outdoor space for worship, events, meditative walks, Christian formation, and community events. We recently expanded our building to provide much-needed space for ministries, gathering, and community outreach.

Take a few moments to explore the links to learn more about Church of the Holy Spirit’s worship, ministries, events, and our church community. When you come to church, one of our Welcoming Shepherds will greet you.  And, if you are planning to visit Church of the Holy Spirit, please be invited to let us know by completing the form below. Come and grow with us!

We look forward to welcoming you !

Have you ever visited a church and felt lost?

At COHS, we want everyone to feel welcome! Our Welcoming Shepherds make sure this happens. The Welcoming Shepherd will make sure that you receive a visitor bag, are invited to coffee hour, and are introduced to others. We will continue to offer welcome and support every time you join us for worship or events!

Hi, my name is Kathy Clipp. I am the Chair of the Hospitality Team. I would love to welcome you when you come to visit! Please complete this form so I know when you plan to visit us.