

Like all churches, Church of the Holy Spirit depends upon volunteers to undertake the work of ministry. Whether it be teaching Sunday School, making repairs when things get broken, working in the kitchen during an event, serving breakfast to people who are homeless, visiting someone who is hospitalized, or baking bread for Holy Communion, your gifts of time and talent make possible the ministries and programs of the church.

We rejoice in the dedicated, talented and hospitable volunteers at COHS. We are daily reminded that on our journey as followers of Jesus Christ, we do not walk the path alone, but always in the company of our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, sustained by the love of God through the Holy Spirit.

How can you share your time and talent? Here are some ideas:

  • Join a ministry team such as Outreach, Hospitality, Adult Christian Formation, Buildings and Grounds, or Pastoral Care.

  • Join the choir or play handbells.

  • Teach Sunday School or lead an Adult Christian Formation program.

  • Take a meal to someone who is ill or in crisis.

  • Spend an hour weeding one of our many planting areas.

  • If you are handy, help with a repair or maintenance project.

  • Prepare and serve breakfast to people who are hungry.

  • Learn how to livestream a worship service.

  • Welcome visitors and befriend newcomers.

  • Knit or crochet a prayer shawl.

Please read this for a list of other ministries in the Harleysville area. Thank you!