Ministers of Liturgy

An Opportunity to Serve Your Church as a Minister of the Liturgy

Do you know that "liturgy" literally means "the work of the people?" Every Sunday we gather for the holy "work" of worshipping God with the participation of the congregation in various roles known as "ministers of the liturgy." Each role is vital to the meaning and beauty of worship. People of all ages are invited to be a minister of the liturgy.

Please volunteer to be a crucifer, acolyte, lector, chalice bearer, usher, greeter, technology assistant, bread-baker, flower-arranger, or member of the sacristy team.

You will receive training and support. We welcome individuals and families, youth and adults, people who have attended COHS for many years and people who are brand new to the congregation. Please prayerfully consider becoming a minister of the liturgy and complete the attached interest survey.

Please let us know your interest in this Ministry by filling out this form.

  • Read the Scriptures appointed for the day and the Prayers of the People.

  • Welcome people as they arrive, answer questions, and provide any information that is needed for the day.

  • Welcome people into the sanctuary, help people find a place to sit, hand out the leaflets, provide direction during Holy Communion, and respond to needs during the service.

  • Prepare the sanctuary and altar for Holy Communion and other services.

  • Lead the the procession at the beginning and end of the service and assist the Verger and Clergy throughout the service.