
The Gift of Expanded Community: Deanery, Diocese, and Beyond

As Episcopalians, we are part of a larger community of faith joined together by a shared history, common prayer, mutual support, collaborative ministries and “bonds of affection.” In fact, Church of the Holy Spirit was founded, built, and funded for many years with the financial support of the other churches in our Diocese and endowment funds established by previous generations of Episcopalians. We have a long history of being active in the governance and committees of the Episcopal Church. Our ties with the Valley Forge Deanery (a geographically-contiguous group of churches), the Diocese of Pennsylvania, the Episcopal Church, and the worldwide Anglican Communion are strong and enduring.

To learn more about each of these organizations, please visit their websites below.

 The Deanery/Diocesan Delegates represent Church of the Holy Spirit at the Diocesan Convention, Deanery meetings and events, and share our perspectives with the wider Diocese. They are knowledgeable about current events, canons, and proposed changes in the Diocese; they represent our interests, ideas, and needs to the office of the Bishop, Diocesan Convention, Diocesan committees and organizations, and the Deanery. They are elected annual at the COHS annual meeting.

 The Deanery/Diocesan Delegates are:

Maureen Higgins

Ken Patrick

Karen Work