Ministers of the Liturgy are people who assist with the planning, preparation, and celebration of worship services. We always welcome new people to these ministries; new volunteers receive hands’ on training and ongoing mentoring and support. If you are interested in learning more about one of our liturgical ministries, please contact our Parish Administrator or the church office. It takes many people to provide meaningful and memorable worship; we are grateful for our many volunteers.

  • These volunteers are people (age 10 and older) who serve as torchbearers and crucifers during worship services. They lead the procession at the beginning of the service, help to prepare the Table for Holy Communion, assist during Holy Communion, and lead the recession at the end of the service.

  • Trained volunteers who are licensed by the Bishop to administer the wine and bread of Holy Communion during worship services. Usually, the priest administers the bread and the Chalice Bearers offer the wine. Two chalice bearers are at each service of Holy Communion.

  • A group of volunteers who bake the bread used for Holy Communion; usually, one volunteer is assigned to bake bread each month. During the Christmas season and Holy Week, multiple bread bakers provide bread.

  • Volunteers who greet people as they enter the church for worship services or other events. They answer questions, direct people to restrooms, meeting rooms, Sunday School rooms, or other areas as needed.

  • Volunteers who oversee the selection, arrangement, and placement of flowers for worship services, including weekly services of Holy Communion and Holy Days, weddings, funerals, baptisms and other occasions.

  • Although not formally members of the Ministers of the Liturgy, the people who provide the food, drinks, and welcome at the hospitality hour that follows are an important part of our ministry of sharing God’s love with one another.

  • Trained volunteers of all ages who read the Scripture lessons and the Prayers of the People. At times, the lectors are asked to offer a multi-person or interpretive reading of the Scriptures.

  • Members of the Pastoral Care Team are available for prayers and the laying-on-of-hands at the baptismal font during every service.

  • Prayers of intercession offered by the congregation for the Church, the world, the nation, the community, those who are suffering, and the dead. They are read by the lectors and the congregation has the opportunity to offer personal/individual intercessions. If you would like the name of someone added to the Prayers of the People, please contact Rev. Kathy,

  • A group of trained volunteers who prepare the church and the altar for worship services. They care for all of the items needed for worship, including vessels, bread and wine, and candles. The head of the Sacristy Team is the Sacristan, Ruth Konrad.

  • Volunteers who welcome people into the sanctuary to be seated for worship services, attend to any needs of the congregation during the service, direct people to restrooms, the nursery, and to the hospitality hour as needed, and guide people during Holy Communion.

  • Volunteers who have received special and ongoing training to assist with the worship services. They organize the “movement” during services, including the procession and recession, guide the ministers of the liturgy, assist the priest, and are responsible for the training of acolytes, lectors, ushers, and greeters. You will recognize them by their black cassocks or, during High Holy Days, their special gray vestments and their “verges.”

  • Volunteers with a special ministry of greeting newcomers, answering questions, offering hospitality, and following up with phone calls, notes, and cookies.