Our faith calls us to be generous in giving our time, talent, and treasure.  Our pledges and gifts are what allows the church to support the many ministries through which we share the love of Christ within our church, community, and beyond.  We are blessed with many volunteers who work tirelessly to support Sunday School, Adult Education, Hospitality, Pastoral Care, Music Ministry, Buildings and Grounds, Outreach Programs, Deanery, Diocese and beyond.  However, it takes our financial commitment to ensure these ministries thrive and grow. There are various ways this can be done:

Checks or Cash gifts

Weekly pledges or other cash gifts may be made by writing a check or placing cash in a pledge envelope and putting it in the collection plate on Sunday.  You may also mail them to the church at the following address:

Church of the Holy Spirit,
P.O. Box 575 (please do not use the street address)
Harleysville, PA  19438

Automatic Online Pledge Payments

If you use online banking to pay any of your bills, you can set up Church of the Holy Spirit as a payee and send in your pledge payments on a regular schedule. To set up COHS as a payee in your system, make the checks payable to Church of the Holy Spirit, and use P.O. Box 575, Harleysville, PA 19438 for the address and 215-234-8020 for the phone. For the account number, list your last name and your envelope number (top left of your pledge envelope). Then set up a weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payment for the correct amount – and you’re done! Your pledge payments will be shown on your quarterly statements.

Online giving for your regular pledge, other donations, concerts, and more …

You may also use our online giving platform.  Just click the “Give to COHS” button below or click here to register your bank account or credit card for easy giving.  You may give a one time amount, or set up recurring donations.


  • Stewardship is about recognizing that God is the source of everything and we are to be responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. Stewardship is more than just our monetary contributions— it’s also about contributing our time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. It’s about sharing the overflowing love of Jesus Christ.

  • A pledge is a financial commitment you make to God and the church to set aside a percentage of the first fruits of your labor, not just the leftovers, for God’s purposes. A pledge is made in a spirit of thanksgiving for the abundance of good gifts God has bestowed on us and reflects our desire to support the mission and ministry of God’s church, which includes its day-to-day operations. At Church of the Holy Spirit pledges and giving are our sole source of income. In addition to being a spiritual practice, pledging enables the Vestry to prepare a fiscally responsible budget for the coming year.

  • Anyone who wishes to support the mission and ministry of Church of the Holy Spirit is invited to complete a pledge form at any time during the year. Additional contributions offered in gratitude are always welcome.

  • To make a pledge, please complete an online pledge form or fill out the paper pledge card and return it to the church office. Please note that setting up recurring giving in Vanco does not automatically count as a pledge. Committed pledging is essential for us to create and maintain our budget.

  • How much you pledge is between you and God. Your giving is kept in strict confidence by the church. The spiritual practice of tithing calls for giving back ten percent of one’s income, but we hold that up as a goal to work towards, not as a requirement for giving. We recognize that household budgets may be stretched and we are grateful for all offerings. That being said, we encourage you to try to increase your giving by some amount each year. Our costs increase at the same rate as our member households. Perhaps you can stretch by the cost of living this year or another incremental amount.

  • All money given to Church of the Holy Spirit is put towards furthering our mission and ministries. This includes:

    • paying fair salaries and benefits for the clergy and staff who lead us and work alongside us in mission

    • paying operating costs, maintenance, and mortgage for the church building and property where we gather, worship, and serve

    • purchasing supplies, equipment and resources used in ministry such as computers and other technology, copy paper, coffee, curriculum, and lots of hand sanitizer

    • providing training for clergy, staff, and lay leaders to enhance their work among us

    • giving a portion to the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania to support the greater mission and ministry of our diocese and The Episcopal Church