Shirley Zagorski

Shirley has enjoyed watching the progress of Church of the Holy Spirit since its beginning at the store front in Harley Commons through the building process on Barndt Road. Around 2005, she began attending the monthly Friday meetings of the Arts and Spirituality group and occasional workshops. As their then teenaged daughters were disengaging from their home church, Shirley joined COHS in order to provide a spiritual home base. Both of their daughters, Annie and Laura, have rung with bells. Annie has also performed two recitals at COHS. Laura participated in the pilgrimage to Salisbury in 2010 and has sung with Shirley in the choir.

Raised Brethren in Christ, Shirley has served in several pastorates with her husband of almost 40 years, Dan, who remains active in her home church. Coming from a non-liturgical background, Shirley enjoys the beauty and active participation of corporate worship as well as the spirit of welcome and active ministry of the members. She counts as highlights singing with the choir pilgrimages to Bristol in 2012, Winchester in 2015, Lincoln in 2018, and Exeter in 2023.

A graduate of Wheaton College (Bachelors in Elementary Education) and Marywood School of Social Work (Masters in Social Work), Shirley has worked in the Pottstown area since 1995, first at Family Services, then as co-owner of a private practice, and most recently at a large private practice.

In addition to serving as Vestry clerk, she enjoys tending the flock of choir robes as robe mistress, folding palm crosses, baking communion bread, and keeping the choir cough drop basket full. She looks forward to visits with each married daughter and delights in visits with her grandchildren, Clara, AJ, Lily, and Uriah.