Rick Alderfer

I am appreciative of being considered for an opening on Vestry. I have found community and friendships at COHS as well as opportunities to participate in ministries meaningful to me. I grew up as one of seven children to parents who were a part of a family business. After studying accounting at Ursinus and exploring possible career paths in youth ministry and baseball umpiring, I ended up working for another local family business in Credit Management. I became a father in my forties to two daughters of whom I am quite proud and who have also found friendships and opportunities to express their gifts here at COHS. Several of the things I enjoy about COHS are the meaningful worship services, the diversity of thought, the acceptance of others, the encouragement to be fully oneself, the emphasis on living a prayerful life, and the attention given to music and the arts.

As I have aged, the two themes that continue to surface and resonate with me are Grief and Gratitude. Grief for many losses, and for the suffering of those I care about – grief seems always to be close to the surface now. But so too is Gratitude. Gratitude for second chances, and for opportunities to find joy and humor in the midst of difficulty, gratitude for the chance to work with others, for the chance to sing, for the chance to see others grow and find new and deeper dimensions to their spirit. I look forward to continuing in the life here at COHS. If part of that life happens to be as a member of Vestry, I would be happy to serve.