Kathy Clipp

I have been with COHS for eleven years and consider all of you my second family. I am the chair of Congregational Development and Hospitality. We have a lot of awesome people on our teams who make visitors feel welcome, help newbies get involved and bring festivity with food to many of our events. My mother used to say “Many hands make light work”. We use this motto with our ministries so that we can enjoy what we do without feeling overloaded. I am at my best when involved with our church and our mission. 

I have a son, Michael, who lives in Pittsburgh and a dog, Juno, who loves to come to church to run and socialize. I was proud to see my son earn his way to England for the pilgrimage and in September will be a proud mom as he gets married to Sarah who is a wonderful match for him. We are lucky to have her. 

Before the capital campaign and in the beginning of our growing process (2015-2017), fifteen of our members hosted a Strategic Planning Dinner to discuss where COHS has been, where we were then and what we envisioned for the future. Over 100 members attended at least one dinner. One of the concerns we heard frequently was “How do we grow without losing the Community we currently have”. As we expand our physical building and grow in numbers, I look forward to working on this challenge of keeping the supportive community we already have while welcoming new people to be part of it. As I return to vestry, I anticipate new challenges and look forward to seeing where the Holy Spirit takes us.